Directed by: Paul Anders Normann Grendstad
Writing about anything Monster related is difficult. The Norwegian Terror Attacks affected us deeply.
We got the idea to make a music video for Monster while finalising the song. We met Paul Anders Normann Grendstad, a renowned Music Director at a party and briefly shared our ideas for a project. Luckily he liked the song and soon after we had an agreement. For two months we met up every Thursday at Espresso house to engage in the development of the making. We learned a lot about the creation and thought processes during those coffee sessions! For the main scene (the aftermath conversations) Romerike Folkehøyskole agreed to let Paal and his crew film on one of their stages. As an amazing bonus, eight of the Schools music and drama students participated in the video for free. We owe a big thanks to Romerike Folkehøyskole. Other scenes are filmed at Oslo Opera House, in the swimming pool(!), and at warehouse where Barnas Hus were kind enough to dispose a Wheel of Fortune.
Monster was premiered at Romerike Folkehøyskole 26.04.2017, and has since been shown at Cinemateket/Filmes hus - Read our blog on that here
The video for monster was shot with some high-end stuff. These pictures were not. Mobile pics of preparing the stage and actors.